Frequently Asked Questions
Where are your elementary schools located?
We are located in the Mott Haven and Highbridge sections of the Bronx. Our schools are located at W 170th Street and Jerome Avenue (near the 4/B/D trains); Gerard Avenue between E 140th Street and E 144th Street (near the 2/4/5/6 trains); and E 140th Street between 3rd and Alexander Avenues (near the 6 train).
What grades do you serve?
We have three elementary schools serving students in grades K-5. Each school feeds into FLACS Middle School, which feeds into FLACS High School.
How large are FLACS elementary schools?
Our smallest school has 260 students and our largest school has 416 students. There are usually two or three classes on each grade level in our elementary schools.
When does school start and end?
School starts at 8:00 am and ends at 3:30 pm. Scholars may arrive as early as 7:30 am for breakfast.
Are scholars offered breakfast and lunch daily?
Yes! Scholars are entitled to free, healthy breakfast and lunch every day that school is in session. All of our meals are nut-free and pork-free.
Do scholars have to wear uniforms in the FLACS schools?
Yes! FLACS is a uniform school. Scholars have to wear their uniforms every day to school.
Are scholars provided with bussing and/or with MetroCards?
Yes! Scholars who live more than a half-mile from our schools are eligible for free transportation to school. School bussing or MetroCards or an OMNY Card are provided to our scholars by the NYC DOE Office of Pupil Transportation (OPT). Once you are registered at the school, you will be notified if your child is eligible for transportation and what type of transportation.