About » Our Team

Our Team

Executive Leadership
Chief Executive Officer - Susana Rivera - Leon
Chief Operations Officer - Evelyn Castro

School Leadership
FLACS I Principal - Natividad Maldonado
FLACS I Assistant Principal - Elton Thompson

FLACS II Principal - Valerie Marchionno
FLACS II Assistant Principal - Mariela Alberto

FLACS III Principal - Rachel Cotto - Nuñez
FLACS III Assistant Principal -  Dilys Stanislaus-Blache Afful

FLACS MS Principal - Ambar Terrero - Maldonado
FLACS MS Assistant Principals - Rebeca Wolfe-Balbuena and Kimberly Cordova
FLACS HS Principal - Jose Martinez
FLACS HS Assistant Principal - Patricia Bruno and EvaE Peart
Network Leadership
Chief Financial Officer - Philip Deng
Chief Academic Officer - Renee Willemsen - Goode
Executive Director of Human Resources - Carmen M. Heskey

Board of Trustees
Chair - Wanda Torres - Mercado
Vice-Chair - Bryan Rivera
Treasurer - Pedro Alvarez
Secretary - Miguel Peña
Founder - Bishop Raymond Rivera